Signal how to approach your pup, at a glance.

Eye-catching. Effective. Easily Visible.

SpokesPup Sets the Standard

4 cards with easy-to-recognize colors, icons, and phrases to instantly signal your pup’s level of comfort.

Learn More
  • Dog Greetings

    Specify if other dogs can approach.

  • Extra Space

    Make your dog's boundaries clear.

  • Socializing

    Put others at ease and enjoy time with your pup.

  • Training

    Get your puppy off to the right start.

Our Mission

We're Kyle and David, a father-son duo, who created SpokesPup to change the way people advocate for their dogs.

  • Snap open your SpokesPup.

  • Select a pair of SpokesPup cards for your dog.

  • Insert SpokesPup cards onto both sides and secure edges.

  • Center SpokesPup onto lower third of leash and snap closed.

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